#include "lf_stack.h"#include "kn_list.h"#include "kn_time.h"#include "kn_thread.h"#include "kn_atomic.h"typedef struct lockfree_stack{ volatile kn_list_node *head;}lockfree_stack,*lockfree_stack_t;static void lfstack_push(lockfree_stack_t ls,kn_list_node *n){ for( ; ;){ kn_list_node *lhead = ls->head; n->next = lhead; if(COMPARE_AND_SWAP(&ls->head,lhead,n))//if head unchange,set n to be the new head break; }}static kn_list_node* lfstack_pop(lockfree_stack_t ls){ for( ; ;){ kn_list_node *lhead = ls->head; if(!lhead) return NULL; kn_list_node *next = lhead->next; if(COMPARE_AND_SWAP(&ls->head,lhead,next)) { lhead->next = NULL; return lhead; } }}volatile int count = 0;atomic_32_t c1 = 0;atomic_32_t c2 = 0;struct element{ kn_list_node node; int value;};struct element *element_pool1;struct element *element_pool2;lockfree_stack lf_stack;void *producer1(void *arg){ printf("producer1\n"); int i; while(1){ for(i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i){ struct element *ele = &element_pool1[i]; ATOMIC_INCREASE(&c1); lfstack_push(&lf_stack,(kn_list_node*)ele); } while(c1 > 0){ FENCE(); kn_sleepms(0); } } printf("producer1 end\n"); return NULL;}void *producer2(void *arg){ printf("producer2\n"); int i; while(1){ for(i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i){ struct element *ele = &element_pool2[i]; ATOMIC_INCREASE(&c2); lfstack_push(&lf_stack,(kn_list_node*)ele); } while(c2 > 0){ FENCE(); kn_sleepms(0); } } return NULL;}void *consumer(void *arg){ printf("consumer\n"); volatile struct element *ele; uint32_t tick = 0; while(1){ if((ele = (struct element*)lfstack_pop(&lf_stack))){ if(count == 0){ tick = kn_systemms(); } if(++count == 5000000) { uint32_t now = kn_systemms(); uint32_t elapse = (uint32_t)(now-tick); printf("pop %d/ms\n",count/elapse*1000); tick = now; count = 0; } if(ele->value == 1) ATOMIC_DECREASE(&c1); else if(ele->value == 2) ATOMIC_DECREASE(&c2); else printf("%d\n",ele->value); } } return NULL;}int main(){ element_pool1 = calloc(10000000,sizeof(*element_pool1)); element_pool2 = calloc(10000000,sizeof(*element_pool2)); int i; for(i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i) element_pool1[i].value = 1; for(i = 0; i < 10000000; ++i) element_pool2[i].value = 2; lf_stack.head = NULL; kn_thread_t t1 = kn_create_thread(THREAD_JOINABLE); kn_thread_t t2 = kn_create_thread(THREAD_JOINABLE); kn_thread_t t3 = kn_create_thread(THREAD_JOINABLE); kn_thread_start_run(t1,producer1,NULL); kn_thread_start_run(t2,producer2,NULL); kn_thread_start_run(t3,consumer,NULL); getchar(); return 0;}
当问题再次出现以后,我用调试器上去中断,consumer线程,断点正好在这行if(!lhead) return NULL;
可是再仔细看看,volatile kn_list_node *head;
修饰符在指针之前,意思是指向的是volatile变量,而我实际要的是,一个指针它本身是volatile的.ok,做相应的调整后kn_list_node * volatile head;